Seeing this, my body shakes uncontrollably and I am scared to death.” He would point and describe that, “Those terrible yamas are scaring me by baring their teeth, as if they would make a meal out of me. He would stare toward rooftop and give out shrieks in terror. He suffered from tuberculosis in prime of his youth that proved fatal. He delved in evil company and was known for his drinking and evil-doings. It will be interesting to narrate here couple of such instances, for their educative value. I, too, have personally witnessed few such cases. Some of the evil ones envision yamas even well before death, that shakes them with terror and they start wailing. Fear of death is mainly of the death couriers, Yamas. Thus they proceed carefree to The Abode-Divine. The fear of death that held no terror for them while dying holds none in the hereafter either. Reciting Naam breath by breath, they pass away in peace. Noose of death and fear of death are banished in lifetime of the Naam devotees. Please see below the power of Sri Sukhmani Sahib in the words of Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh jee in Unditthi Duniya, Chapter 11, horrid vision of Yamas by the dying. You will have all the answers to each and every situation in your life,To each and every one of your curious questions and it will remain in the back of your mind and you will always have your life sorted.Gradually when we understand what guru sahib has to say in gurbani we can start with nitnem and also sahej path of Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji. But if you recite gurbani slowly and steadily understanding the depth of it. My take on gurbani is that if you recite it endless times without knowing what it says, without letting each and every word seep in your mind and marking its place there. Which ever bani we recite, be it asa ki waar or be it sukhmani sahib or jaap sahib, to really have it change our life,Or let me say,The way we perceive our life,We need to go into the deep meanings of every single word written.Every single word in gurbani has a meaning to it. Where you find the answers to everything. Okay maybe some of the dehdharis say reapeating a shabad or doing continuous paths of the bani changes your life, Brings prosperity and happiness,But,we have not understood the real meaning of gurbani.

But we sometimes tend to mistaken it for what it is not. Gurbani literally means the words of wisdom by the Guru.